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About Mogget

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Albany, WI

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  1. Finished up with a little over six inches here in southern Green County, WI. A very nice storm with multiple good periods of mod-hvy snow.
  2. Snowing here. Might have 0.15” so the snow plow came by. They gotta look busy or I’m gonna wonder how that extra $1600 in taxes is being used.
  3. WWA extended westward in WI to include Madison area.
  4. T-storm warning and Big T watch here in Green County. The rain has begun in earnest.
  5. We seem to be having that siren thing…. “Freeport 2” moving northeast?
  6. At 1.8 inches of rain by 2 PM. First time I’ve seen standing water in the fields in a long time. Switched to snow w/ slushy accums. My eyeballs can’t see us getting 4-7” b/c it’s so warm but it is coming down pretty heavily so maybe after sunset things will pick up.
  7. I’m going to go with a B-. This winter had potential, and for two weeks, it was A Thing. Real, solid, Winter. But in the end, gotta admit that it was merely a pause between Fall and Spring, a tiny gap between the red leaves of Fall and the green buds of Spring.
  8. We ended up with 1.27”. Very nice, and more than I had expected.
  9. Looks like just over an inch here, from training storms moving southwest to northeast. Unfortunately, the doggo is not a fan of thunder so last night was not restful.
  10. Juda -Albany rated EF1. The track shown ends about two miles from my house, which is farther north and east. https://www.weather.gov/mkx/FebruarySevereWeather
  11. Might be three, then. There was some clear damage near Brodhead, too. A trailer park / campground was grazed, topping some trees and leaving canoes in the lower branches.
  12. Interesting—hadn’t thought about it as other than a funnel cloud. This AM, I can see that it stirred up some dust and disturbed a brush pile left from last weekend’s pruning. Or some wind did do, anyway. There were some good, strong gusts for awhile.
  13. LOL…with the rest of the neighborhood. We had nice reports as it moved in.
  14. The funnel cloud in my backyard is what hit Evansville-Edgerton. I’d post pix but can’t figure out the size limit. And no power to turn on the computer to adjust them. Maybe tomorrow.
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