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Everything posted by Jns2183

  1. Hoping someone can chime in on the science behind the orientation of the frontogenesis at 700mb. I’m guessing the timing of the transfer and any capture come into it .
  2. Notice the banding setup on Euro, gfs vs NAM. east to west vs more north to south. .
  3. 30 miles will separate 8” from 20”. Have fun predicting that .
  4. If you go look at all the short range models they have some spread. .
  5. You can sorta see the outline of this in the meso with the finger like bands of heavier accumulations. I think confluence and timing of the capture will determine the orientation of the bands. The sus valley can benefit with an increased easterly fetch being banged up against the mountains starts to enhance the WAA before the CCB really gets going. We can have a wide area of moderate snow for hours. I still think the heaviest totals will be out towards Allentown but being able to cash in for 6 or so hours before the main CCB gets going east of here will even out the snow distribution some. If the Ccb is more east west than north south then you get what the euro was depicting. Personally, having 24 hours straight of moderate snow would equal about 12” and be a dream for me. Long duration events have been rare since the 1990s it seems. I consider myself lucky to have experienced thundersnow 3 or 4 times in the last 15 years here. Never have I had a super long duration storm though. .
  6. Just because I have family out near Pittsburgh I will always remember that one storm in feb 2010 that due to a trailing boundary that setup e to w the 4 to 8” turned into 16” with news stations caught still calling for it when 12” was already on the ground .
  7. From past memory there always seems to be a 2nd and sometimes 3rd heavier band set up in the same orientation as the main Ccb. The model differences seem to amount to which orientation these bands lie. I view these areas like hills and valleys. If you are 25 miles behind one of these bands you’re going to stuck in a lull for an extended period of time. It also seems like the heavier bands with the coastal will pivot back towards the sus valley. If we are lucky enough to be the pivot point with bands going a more wsw to ene orientation like on the euro you will get a more widespread 10-16” snowfall. So I’m guessing paying attention to the meso from this evening onward will tell the story .
  8. How many hours long was the 1996, 2010 twins, 2016? Trying to figure out how close we came to have 48 hours straight of snow .
  9. They can keep their warnings I’ll take my 16” and call it even. Besides I would find it enjoyable seeing all the Facebook posts from people stuck in the snow since they bitch nonstop when ctp does issue anything .
  10. Is there a website that archives NHS forcast each day. Like if I wanted to go back to 1/20/1995 for example, and find the NHS 3 or 5 day forecast on that date. Is there a site (pay is fine) that provides historical model run data at good resolution so that I could say pull up the forcast tempature, qpf, snow on each model run for the past 6 months at at least 24 hour increments for Harrisburg for the euro or gfs? .
  11. We would join 1972/73 & 2005/06 in only having a T in snow for month of January in the last 132 years. In fact, 10 winters, have had a January with less than 1” of snow. 2006/07 only had 0.60”. .
  12. The forecast highs this week look balmy for January .
  13. When’s the last time we had a region wide extreme ice event. 2008? When 78 turned into a 100 mile ice skating ring .
  14. We do actually seem due for a top notch wind storm Sent from my LM-X210APM using Tapatalk
  15. Anyone have the 6z Euro qpf Sent from my LM-X210APM using Tapatalk
  16. Road trip? Sent from my LM-X210APM using Tapatalk
  17. Santa's going to have one hell of a headwind Sent from my LM-X210APM using Tapatalk
  18. That means you'll be mid 70's no problem. Is tomorrow too soon to start inquiring about your new roof. Sent from my LM-X210APM using Tapatalk
  19. Who posted a few years ago "a day in the life" regarding our main posters. Please post it again for good luck Sent from my LM-X210APM using Tapatalk
  20. Any idea if we are going to some decent CAPE or other instability parameters at play? I love some good thundersnow at night so the sky lights up like a Christmas tree. Sent from my LM-X210APM using Tapatalk
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