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Everything posted by Jns2183

  1. It was April 14th 1921, 28 miles west of Boulder Colorado, at Silver Lake, at an elevation of 11,250ft the snow started. 24 hours later they had received 75.8” of snow. An average of 3.15” per hour. I believe that is the 24 hour snowfall record in the United States. .
  2. Monday December 27th. If there is a storm around then it will be in your name & honor .
  3. I remember how shocked I was to find huge qpf disparity between capital city and kmdt within the last 20 years. The best I could do as spot check some of the anomalies outside summer thunderstorm ones and discovered they seemed to coalesce around events with precipitation with a strong sw to Ne and ssw to nne movement component with led me to decide that the most likely reason was a rain shadow from Reeser’s summit. Still is quite shocking to me the magnitude of it .
  4. That data there is accepted as official and has been certified .
  5. There can be wild temperature ranges mere miles apart when you are talking about radiational cooling and record lows. I tend to believe you both are correct .
  6. March 1st record high 69 March 11th record high 69 .
  7. There is a site that has all storms that generated a NESIS ranking going back 15 years I believe. It allows you to put in a location and a radius of say 100 miles and pull in all the snowfall amounts listed by spotter reports within that radius for each storm in an easy format for data collection. I’m thinking of doing it centered around kmdt to build a good data set of snowfall distributions and since each report has a long/lat I can built grids of say 10mi^2 or smaller to create a density map of accumulations in its most basic form. Depending on how deep I go with Python will determine what all I can do but I should be able to find some neat microclimate trends and hard data to support some of our theories here. .
  8. There’s a couple places. I think I actually have records for mdt for each hour going back 50 years .
  9. It’s quite loud outside. I remember when I think Isabel came through. That night sounded like a constant jet engine. I went to my parents and made everyone sleep in the basement. About 6 am an 80 foot tree feel, barely missing the house, neighbors house and 3 cars had minor damage. It basically fell perfectly to avoid horrible outcomes. From that day forward my parents and siblings listened to me without question when it came to weather .
  10. https://w2.weather.gov/climate/xmacis.php?wfo=ctp .
  11. Looks like we are getting 1” of rain in the next 24 hours .
  12. Talk about a forum special. I can already see in my mind my neighbors faces upon waking to snow tomorrow .
  13. I miss those June days where a back door cold front stalls out just west of us and we have 60 and fog and drizzle for days where seven springs makes runs at 90 and driving the turnpike there is a 20 degree temp difference within 3 miles of each other .
  14. I’m sure you’re aware by taunting the winter gods what weather you will be experiencing .
  15. What’s nuts is while the sum of snow depth was 524 for 93/94 it was a ridiculous 668 in 1916/1917 172” December (#1 with 2nd place at 142” 332” January (2nd only to 1996 334”) 172” February (#10) March 0” April 2” Snowfall for season was #10 all time with 55” February only had 2.3” March 0.1” April 3.8” Talk about building a pack and keeping it. By mid Jan they had 45” including 35” in 4 weeks .
  16. We are probably going to end the season with right around 30 days with snow greater than 1”. The record is 76 days in both the 1916/1917 winter and the 93/94 winter. The worst was 49/50 with 1 day .
  17. Looks like we are going to end up with 22/23 days of snow at least 1” depth in February. That’s a top 10 February since 1891 .
  18. I almost turned my a/c on because upstairs got so hot today .
  19. Personally I’m waiting for late March to make a run at the 90s followed 14 days later by 4sd block showing up and a cut off low dumping 45 inches of snow in the elevations in Chester county .
  20. I thought there was a 50/50 chance, best of the year, yesterday as the day went on and the entire model set kept increasing, especially when the HRRR came started to come strong. .
  21. I thought there was a 50/50 chance, best of the year, yesterday as the day went on and the entire model set kept increasing, especially when the HRRR came started to come strong. .
  22. It looks like we might have finally got our over performer .
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