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Everything posted by Jns2183

  1. It’s 82 out already with a DP of 74 .
  2. Maybe if the storms all pop up over everyone and decide not to move for a few hours .
  3. I know this is off but there does seem to be a strong signal for some sort of localized uhi effect taking place .
  4. It already was misting here. Just made it far worse humidity wise .
  5. Anyone have access to the archives of level 2 data? Would be interested in seeing velocity loop for that storm. .
  6. Haha I know. It does seem that next week starts the 70+ train .
  7. Man oh man, I love snow, but at this point when we get a week in January of 70’s Voyager better have a free pass to say any and everything he wishes. .
  8. It was 87 in Florida and looks like mid 90s next 4 days. On the bright side my stepdad just won $2K .
  9. These wind events spread the probable damage out among numerous events. Imagine for a minute 5 straight years of no wind events, then a tropical system slams into us with 60+ gusts. The amount of damage at one time would be incredible .
  10. Is there a big announcement happening today ? .
  11. Haha. Hey I’ll bartending at the downtown one all day & night today. Outside seating will be amazing with the weather. .
  12. Off topic, but I know a few of you enjoy a nice drink from time to time. In my 17 years bartending I never have tasted a better liquor than this one I sampled tonight. A mezcal made gin from Oaxaca.... yes the future is here. .
  13. Good for taking a CAT 1 to CAT 5 in 24 hours .
  14. The gulf in the summer just makes me sweat. No relief at all. I’ll be in Mexico at a resort on the pacific in August. .
  15. The gulf in the summer just makes me sweat. No relief at all. I’ll be in Mexico at a resort on the pacific in August. .
  16. The gulf in the summer just makes me sweat. No relief at all. I’ll be in Mexico at a resort on the pacific in August. .
  17. I’ll be in Orlando for 3 days then Clearwater for 4 days. Leave Friday .
  18. Ended up with an amazing 0.24” which still tops KMDT with 0.22”. Thank God this wasn’t snow. Imagine getting just 25%-50% of short term modeled & forcasted QPF. Watching putrid but better returns a mere few miles away that seem to implode the moment they breach the 3 mile radius. The volume of hate postings would have been overwhelming. Local Social media would have descended deeper yet, into Dante’s inferno. But because it’s may and not February we enjoy the peace relaxing melody of the drizzle and birds out our widow and get ready to enjoy a probable amazing afternoon .
  19. I’m predicting in the next 5 years we get a tropical system tearing through here that gives you all the wind you never wanted x 100 .
  20. May both of you never try to verify precipitation historical data for capital city airport. You both would pull hair out and curl up in fetal position on the floor .
  21. We will 80 early next week. This is winters farewell right now. Let us take a moment and be thankful for all the excitement it brought us this year. A year after the worst winter on record. .
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