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Everything posted by Jns2183

  1. There might be some storms that form over us from about 11-2 . Pro
  2. Pouring in camp hill. Don’t give up yet . Pro
  3. I’ll predict you get more rain between 10-2 . Pro
  4. This has to be the radar you’ve dreamt about for months. You need to be sitting on a porch drinking a nice cocktail . Pro
  5. Amazing how fast grass can come back . Pro
  6. Also as far as average time between events I believe this area is over due for an Isabelle type tropical system that brings with it a scary night of winds. September and October will be interesting . Pro
  7. Tonight might be that over proformer that tops off the best 7 day precipitation total for you all summer to date . Pro
  8. It has been misting and light rain all day for 0.12”. I received more rain last night in 15 minutes . Pro
  9. Never walk by a sushi place on trash day when it is stagnant swamp air outside . Pro
  10. I still remember those 3 days of hell from 2011 where we topped 100. That forcast pans out and my Mexico trip it will seem cool compared to here . Pro
  11. This is just taunting canderson . Pro
  12. Like how? In camp hill we had 5.87” since June 1st. Going back to April I’d be about 10”. So 8 miles equates to a 300% increase in precipitation . Pro
  13. Where in Lancaster county are you again? . Pro
  14. Up to 1.75” in last 7 days here. Hopefully will be nicely over 2” after tonight . Pro
  15. I’m amazed how in the south storms fire along a sea breeze and can back build not move for hours. My step dad was stuck under a thunderstorm and 5”+ of rain for 3 hours straight while 8 miles away sunny . Pro
  16. Apparently 0.80” of rain in camp hill . Pro
  17. Currently in Charleston, SC. It’s 11:40am it’s 90, the dew point is 80 and HI is 107. Forecast is 2”-5” of rain from 2 till 8 . Pro
  18. 1.5” in Camp hill. Are we going to get convection overnight? . Pro
  19. It seems the rain bands are setting up east of where originally thought. I think MDT sees 2.00 in today . Pro
  20. The rule is that these wide discrepancies seem to always narrow considerably once one looks at data from May through September. I will always remember a few years ago seeing capital city airport at like a ridiculous 62% of HIA rainfall total and within a period of 14 days it narrowed to 94% by not raining at all at capital city each of the 4 days with 60% or higher forcast, yet absolutely monsoon rains each day of 30% or less totals (6 days. 7” of rain). I remember it started to become a joke in here that only worry about heavy rain washouts on days with “isolated thunderstorms “ In forcast . Pro
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