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Vol Man

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Everything posted by Vol Man

  1. Wow...that brings back some memories..."Margie said it would"...
  2. This just popped up on my AccuWeather app....for Kingsport
  3. Robert mentions the possible storm at the end of the week... WxSouth possible storm
  4. Happy New Year to everyone on this incredibly great forum...here's hoping 2021 will be better than 2020 in every way possible!
  5. Powell....this is in Kingsport...https://www.baysmountain.com/
  6. Check out this picture...this line is where I have a patched crack in my asphalt driveway. Must be difference in residual temperature between the solid asphalt and the patch material. Anyway, thought it was a cool picture.
  7. What a Christmas morning...almost 4 inches of beautiful snow....hoping everyone in our forum has wonderful Christmas!
  8. About 3-1/2 inches right now...intensity slacked up quite a bit right now...East Kingsport
  9. Great to see the reports....just changed over here in East Kingsport....snowing pretty hard already. Temp dropped from 51 to currently 39 in about 45 minutes.
  10. You nailed it, Carver...from Twitter I-81 S in Sullivan Co Crash Multiple Vehicles at MM 70 at 4:40 PM 2/28 est clear by 5:41 PM 2/28 (ET
  11. Sorry...Indian Springs area...east Kingsport.
  12. Yes, Carver....just heard thunder in Indian Springs. Nice little shower right now.
  13. I think you are right, Carvers...that is the timeframe...guess the reference must be for anywhere in that forecast area. I don't specifically remember blizzard warnings being posted, but that has to be it. This link showed Mt. LeConte getting 32".. https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/national/2012/10/supplemental/page-6/
  14. Surprised SE Kentucky has never had a warning...but also the numbers don't seem to add up for NE Tennessee either. If my math is right, the last warning would have been about the first of November of 2012...I don't remember any warning that early. Does anyone remember that event?
  15. Finally started in East Kingsport a few minutes ago...nice covering on the deck already
  16. I happened across a couple of photos I had stored away from the winter of 1996...we had lots of snow that year in NE Tennessee...one picture was taken on January 8th, which was about 11"-12". The other picture was taken on February 3rd...this was in the 14" range. If I remember right, a few days after the January 8th snow, we had another decent storm, around 6"-8" on top of the accumulation from the 8th. There had been some melting, but it really piled up. My son was born in 2000, so he hasn't seen this kind of accumulation...he just hears about "the good ole days"!
  17. I love this new forum, and this topic...good to remember some past events: Winter 1982 - I was a senior at UT and a huge ice storm hit all of East Tennessee....worst ice storm I can remember. Cumberland Avenue was a complete skating rink...cars were just free sliding all over the place. I had to walk from the Student Center all the way up 16th to the married students apartments at the top of the hill....what is normally a 5 or 6 minute walk took almost an hour. I remember it was on a Tuesday evening, and exactly one week before Knoxville had a pretty decent snow storm. January 1985 - Unbelievable cold here in East Tennessee...major damage to water lines everywhere...-21 at KTRI and -24 at KTYS, if I remember correctly. I was living in Charlotte at the time and it was -11 there. April 1987 - Everyone thought it was an April Fool's joke...snowed all weekend...had a max of about 14 inches on our deck. Blizzard of 1993 - I remember the incredible thunder snow that Friday night...probably the hardest I have ever seen it snow. And, by Saturday night, the temps crashed to single digits with all that snow pack. No power for about 3 days. Winter 1996 - Three huge snows in a span of about 20 days or so....two in the same week. If I can get my old scanner to work, I will scan some photos from 93 and 96 and post them...this was before digital took over photography!
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