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Everything posted by BretWx

  1. Down to 44 here, from 56 a couple of hours ago. Latest GFS spitting out 3 inches for AVL. We know how this goes though
  2. 18Z HRRR ticked up quite a but. However, cold chasing moisture never really pans out for us. Hoping for at least a dusting or something down here!
  3. Short range's look so good. Not getting my hopes up thought! Would be nice to see no doubt.
  4. Let me! Let me! I'm an almost 13 year veteran. Feeling good about this year! Came back here today looking for it.
  5. This looks a bit.... like something we've seen before....
  6. Officially calling it a bust here y'all. Didn't see another flake outside of those 4 minutes this morning. I won't lie.... this one hurt
  7. The moisture dried up before I even saw another flake down here. HRRR is looking dry too. Hoping for a small surprise.
  8. Sitting at 34 here. It was a fun 4 minutes of fatties. Happened under some heavier returns.
  9. Just changed to mostly all snow here. Quicker than I expected. Fat flakes. Edit: And back to rain/sleet. Need heavier returns.
  10. North GA, Brasstown Bald, for something to look at:
  11. Moisture looks ahead of schedule. Sitting at 44 w/ 16 dewpoint.
  12. 18z NAM is severely disappointing. Going to keep my eyes glued but very annoyed. That's the game we play!
  13. GSP being aggressive with this one. Tomorrow will be another fun day.
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