I don't know LA geography and trying to compare where Grand Isle is with relation to the eye. If I'm correct, the eye will pass just west of there. Am I looking at the right place between the webcam map and the satellite loop?
Stealing this from the Ida thread. Here's a webcam in Grand Isles beach. I'm sure there are others--if you have links share away!
I mowed today--so nice not having to really sweat during it. At the same time, I don't think I've ever mowed the lawn in August when the grass was so green and had grown so much in a week.
My 80-year old mother-in-law came down yesterday so I had to turn on the a/c for her. And then my wife decided to turn it on in the bedroom last night Horrible.
I'm looking longingly at the prog highs in the 60's at Pit2 this weekend. Alas, I believe we'll be here--my daughter's last weekend home before returning to school. The 70's here will be a nice change just the same.