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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. Still going and those houses are standing as well. Really impressive.
  2. Looks like that cam is getting hit by a branch
  3. I'm hopeful the eye passes over it (and the cam's still working). I think they're too far east though.
  4. I also want to hire the builders of the houses across the street.
  5. Post this in the Aug thread: Definitely not Xfinity nor the CT power grid.
  6. I don't know LA geography and trying to compare where Grand Isle is with relation to the eye. If I'm correct, the eye will pass just west of there. Am I looking at the right place between the webcam map and the satellite loop?
  7. I can't believe this webcam is still up and running. They must not have xfinity and certainly not the CT power grid.
  8. Stealing this from the Ida thread. Here's a webcam in Grand Isles beach. I'm sure there are others--if you have links share away! https://www.severestudios.com/storm-chasers/john.humphress2.html
  9. I mowed today--so nice not having to really sweat during it. At the same time, I don't think I've ever mowed the lawn in August when the grass was so green and had grown so much in a week. 63/56
  10. So much nicer now than it was this morning. Breeze picking up--air drying out. Things are looking up.
  11. That's scary, Jeff. He'll have a story to tell for life.
  12. My 80-year old mother-in-law came down yesterday so I had to turn on the a/c for her. And then my wife decided to turn it on in the bedroom last night Horrible.
  13. I'm looking longingly at the prog highs in the 60's at Pit2 this weekend. Alas, I believe we'll be here--my daughter's last weekend home before returning to school. The 70's here will be a nice change just the same.
  14. So have the bugs.....can't wait for them to freeze and die.
  15. Give me a tropical system that shits the bed over a snowstorm that does any day.
  16. And 3 weeks to get them back on line.
  17. So--had Charlie Baker declared a state-wide state of emergency the other day? I can see this as one of those boy-who-cried-wolf situations like the '78 blizzard. A prior hyped event that fails to materioalize makes everyone complacent when the next one comes along. Of course, the only thing more rare than a hurricane in NE is two hurricanes in NE.
  18. Fire up the grill for a COC afternoon BBQ.
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