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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. 61* and all this rain---it feels like Christmas Eve.
  2. Here's a better look. Some portion of what's come so far should be added to this.
  3. I'd say most don't pay attention because most don't have to.
  4. For those who like looking at such things:
  5. It's even raining very lightly here. Just a head-fake I imagine.
  6. Thinking the same here--maybe up a tick to 2.5 - 3.5. Time will tell.
  7. I don't know how the qpf distro compares, but seeing all that heavy rain in NJ makes me think of the remains of Floyd which came through when I was living there I guess around '99 or so?? What a mess it was. No power for quite a while iirc.
  8. This is a bit of a different distribution than 00z. Congrats New London through the South coast.
  9. Yeah--much more prolific and widespread than 00z.
  10. It's always fun to be in the bull's-eye. Of course, a rain jp is so much less uplifting than a snow one.
  11. INeedSnow is going to be getting a little rain instead.
  12. NAM is north. Douses Litchfield/Hartford/Hampden/Hampshire/Worcester counties
  13. We've got a monthly max tide of about 9'. At high tide then, I'm still about 10' above the water. No flooding risk. Kevin has this misconception that I live on the Blackstone River. He really needs to look at a map.
  14. I guess it isn't south after all. However, what is all this river talk? I don't think you know where I live. lol
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