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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. We'll see how that plays out here. You're in a pretty good spot.
  2. Jumping into the snow-rates conversation a bit late. While I'm sure it pales in comparison to many of the examples here, the post-Thanksgiving even 2 (??) years ago was ripping pretty good.
  3. meh......one flash of lightning/distant thunder. A brief heavy shower then just rn-.
  4. That's convenient for my 4:30 wake-up time.
  5. I'm about 2 miles north of the Pike. Am I too far east? What are you thinking with regard to timing?
  6. My daughter's 4-times postponed (coronavirus) wedding is slated for Friday night in Annapolis. I hope this thing stays off shore.
  7. My daughter's 4-times postponed wedding is slated for next Friday (in MD). Hoping for the best!
  8. Lush lawns all summer long. Even the few days where it had mild up quite a bit couldn't put a dent it. Laying some new see today. 'tis the season.
  9. Yeah--he also identified himself as living in each of the states. Whatever.
  10. Mountains, lakes or ocean? We love the midcoast
  11. Just got in my from 3.5 mile walk. Encountered 1 black fly. I call that a big win!
  12. I created a repeat of a poll I did several years ago for people to identify their ages. Give us all some perspective on who we're posting with.
  13. Let's get an idea as to who everyone is
  14. What a great couple days for the Chamber. Too bad we can't pull off the whole weekend but it's great having summer behind us. Everyone is a little bit happier now that it is.
  15. That's about as fast as traffic goes on the Deegan most days.
  16. Well wasn't Sandy due more to surge rather than rainfall? In that respect this would certainly impact a greater area.
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