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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. The ones we have are young and off in an area of uncleared land between us and our neighbor. Close enough where they will make their way to the drive and who know where the wind takes them from there. In any case, I and the Stihl have them in our sights for the spring.
  2. We did have a massive oak drop yesterday. Not sure what's remaining there. The hateful norwegian maples.....they're anothoer story. They just suck in every way.
  3. We need a thread for the leaf threat.
  4. The leaves on that lawn and mulch are incredibly unsightly.
  5. This. I've enjoyed my 40's here as well.
  6. Never underestimate the power of the first flakes.
  7. I love it......late sunsets make me think winter's waning..........bring on the early nights.
  8. I travel on 84 more than anyone would like. The sign always gives me a chuckle.
  9. It must have something due to wind. I'm now at 30*--it's been bouncing around like boobs at the Blue.
  10. Unless it warmed up in the later hours, I really missed the progged low of 27. 35 attm.
  11. Don't worry---it'll be an hour earlier tomorrow.
  12. Thanks for this Ray--always great to see you presenting this, not just because of the thinking that goes into it but also for getting us excited that yes--winter is coming. From that crystal ball, I should be making some plans to be up at Pit2.
  13. I might be able to......not yet sure if I have anything else going on
  14. Hope so. Of course I was hoping I’d tackle it before football.
  15. Sun actually breaking through here. I put the odds at very low that things will drying out enough for blowing the leaves though
  16. I don't think this is the forum to be posting about choking chickens, Scott.
  17. Nearby station reports ranging from about 1.75" to 2.2"
  18. Somewhere between 1.1 and 1.25 based on neighboring stations here.
  19. Echo the dark. Good downpour to go along with it.
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