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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. True--but perhaps not the elimination of it as was shown yesterday.
  2. 102 hours of rain. Does that mean the 50th percentile is 39*?
  3. Even if there isn't an ice storm, I don't have faith in the power-grid keeping up with demand.
  4. Even for those of us with woodstoves, plubing issues would be painful financially. Homeowners insurance gone wild.
  5. Well the thread's been started. I guess I"ll you'll back in here sometime after Friday.
  6. I'd hold off on a thread until we see what the EC says.
  7. The fact that we're 4 days out and no one's started a thread tells you all there is to know. Congrats to all on your restraint.
  8. On the upside, it would lower people's electric bills.
  9. How often is that said--and then they do? It is an eternity. Confidence on ice doesn't usually set in until about 12 hours in advance.
  10. 14” at Pit 2. Where’d all my snow go???? Oh, there it is….
  11. Yup---we'll get a new look each run. Some will be a cold rain and some will be a cool rain.
  12. Correct. Unless they occur during night, the increased solar radiation that keeps Tip's car toasty works against accretion.
  13. Did you see the EPS that PF posted? I'm not sure you could classify those as a snower.
  14. I just notice the top of my shovel handle sticking out of the snow in the 'front of house' picture. Good Lord.
  15. 14” at Pit 2. Where’d all my snow go???? Oh, there it is….
  16. It's nice to be back in the mostly calm realm of a monthly pattern thread. Regardless of who got what yesterday, it's a pretty frenetic pace in the final days of a storm thread and in an obs thread.
  17. The band that formed last evening was a big bonus for getting totals here to respectable levels. (relatively respectable that is!!) Looks liek I wound up with 17-18. Second clearn-up begins in an hour.
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