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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. What happened to the chestnuts? The dry airmass, breeze, and sun might give you enough drying to mow this afternoon. Rain was total bust here yesterday/last night, only .04". I'll be firing up the mower shortly.
  2. Luke--will this approach keep grass from growing where I put the vinegar stuff down? I want to put grass there and I don't wand a "Round-up" situation.
  3. Thanks guys. It's a pretty big patch of it, primarily on the strip between the sidewalk and the road (do those strips have a name??). What's kind of crazy is that 1/2 the strip is lush grass and then it turns to this. There's a tree that serves as the dividing line so I'm inclined to think they did something intentional. Meanwhile, from the ornery-complainer department.....why don't they make a simple gas can any more? Is there really such a demand for new spout designs? The one I bought (only option as far as I could tell) totally sucks. Dripping gas everywhere.
  4. Yeah--today will be a nice spring day. Sun's already coming out here with 60's en route.
  5. Do you have any idea how ridiculous these posts are? Seriously.
  6. Nice--it's come a long way. Anyone know what this crap is and how to get rid of it? Thanks. Meanwhile, eager to get mowing this morning.
  7. anticipating nearly dry here. I don't want to have to water.
  8. How high do you folks mow? My first run was through I used the highest setting--4" (joke away). I think that's what I used at the old Pit, but it seems taller here. Maybe just because it's a smaller yard.
  9. Tried out the new mower last night (I miss the old John Deere). Cut on the highest setting (4"??). I might bring it down a notch once I get into the swing of things, but definitely want to keep it on the high side.
  10. The string ends today. Looks like a nice one today and again on Wednesday.
  11. My backyard will be a tough thing from a climo-timing perspective. The regrading, etc. won't be taking place for at least a couple of weeks so
  12. Not too many concerned about that for the foreseeable future.
  13. Today simply sucks. Temp bouncing between 49-50 with occasional drizzle. Gross.
  14. I'm hoping I might be able to try out the new mower later this afternoon, but methinks it might still be too wet.
  15. Even if the ambient temp may be wanting, the strength of the May sun will feel good and explode the recently stunted growth.
  16. I did--pretty far along. I was more eager to see sun than leaves. Alas, heavy overcast the entire trip. Warm though, car was reading 64* as I passed the sign welcoming me to the Blue.
  17. Fortunately a rare occurence in New England.
  18. rn- since 5:00 here. Another beautiful day in paradise.
  19. I'm ready for a spring explosion the first part of the week when we have temps hitting the 60's and sun (!!!!). Looks like we get manky again after that.
  20. https://www.scotts.com/sites/g/files/oydgjc106/files/asset_files/Seed_growth_chart.pdf I wouldn't be surprised if the cool high temps of late and lack of sun might make things a little slower this year. At least we haven't had to worry much about watering.
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