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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. Missing your point. I think I stand up for what I believe in. I stand with Betsy Ross, an abolitionist Quaker. And I stand against Nike which is purely trying to read a marketing opportunity, as wrong-headed as it may be.
  2. I think he gave up his career because he kind of sucked in recent years. Just sayin'......
  3. Not likely. Do you have gas heat or a tankless hotwater heater? Those would likely be from that.
  4. Black bear mothers are much less protective of their cubs than grizzly/brown bears.
  5. I really don't think you heard drought-talk. I think you read a post and a lot of people laughing at it. Sort of like expecting 1953 last weekend..... Happy Independence Day, America!!
  6. The temp was reported by a vacationer from Lunenburg.
  7. some small hail here at the Pit. Little in the way of thunder.
  8. Some thunder to the north to the batch that's approaching. Might be runinng a little east of me. Hopefully we'll have more upstream. Nice cool day--72* in the car.
  9. Really nice training down 93 on that.
  10. I just heard a distant rumble, but the radar is showing some pretty weak sauce.
  11. It really is......COC brochure worthy. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  12. There a Walmart at the end of the rainbow...... That's an awesome picture, Eric!
  13. What a COC late afternoon/evening. Good riddance to that warm, moist airmass.
  14. The sun's attempts here are failing miserably. A few peeks and then back to overcast. I'm calling it. We're toast--at least for this neck of the woods. Maybe tomorrow will perform.
  15. Picked up .23" in perhaps a total of 1/2 hour of heavy rain. Sky is brightening to the east--would rather be seeing more breaks to the west.
  16. Some flashes and thunder with the showers here this morning. torrentlal attm. Hoping for a break for mowing later.
  17. Experienced some nice storms there. And days that were colder than a witch's t*t.
  18. Where in IA? I spent a lot of time in CID as a company I worked for for 12 years or so was hq'd there.
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