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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. a lot of nearby lightning......torrential rains. Knocked the temp down nicely. FFW alert just went off on my phone.
  2. I'll regret it, but I'm going to go out for a run before the showers arrive. 85/71
  3. And not when the taint is forecast for the pike south.
  4. ???? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chachapoyas_Airport
  5. My wife thinks Jeff's name is bad as it is. I'm not sure what her reaction would be to "wet slot".
  6. You'll make up for it in the winter. Qpf-west. Nothing here yesterday, .86 overnight.
  7. Just taking a peak at things--it's really neat to see how much the rate of shortening days grows. We've only lost 12 minutes of daylight since the solstice. Between now and the end of the month (21 days), we'll lose another 35. That in of itself makes whatever warmth or humidity that might be in store easier to take. I'm so excited.
  8. I was thinking the same thing this morning. An advantage of a 4:30 alarm is observing such things.
  9. We did the same. I think we got a Red Sunset, but it might be an October Glory--forgot what we went with. I do know we got it at about 15', I'm eager for it to get another 5-8 to better block the neighbors. I guess that'll be 2-4 years of growing.
  10. For those keeping track, we've lost 9 minutes of daylight since the solstice, and beginning tomorrow we're losing more than a minute/day. Tick, tick, tick.
  11. Finished with 1.22" here. Now on to a COC Sunday.
  12. ORH just checked in with 1.06". Impressive, though I had suspected it would be a fair amount more.
  13. Kind of boring, but here’s the rain coming off the roof during the deluge. Edit.....just played it with the sound on. Makes for a better appreciation (along with a flash and rumble of thunder).
  14. We just had a second "next door" type strike. I was thinking the thunder/lightning show was pretty wrapped up. Gotta love the strikes that sizzle.
  15. FFW up here. Eager to see what ORH reports for rainfall. It was torrential for about 45 minutes, now just heavy.
  16. Looks like this first line is the key to the excitement. Upstream looks more like a whole lot of showers.
  17. I'm guessing it will have been easier to walk around to look for the strikes at the old Pit than it will be here. Not sure folks want me trapsing through their yards.
  18. mother fukker that one was no more than 200 yards away.
  19. Just torrential rains with this. A few 'on top of us' strikes but the rain is the most prominent feature.
  20. We just started rocking here.......lots of lightning, rain just starting.
  21. Nearly constant thunder and lots of lightning---unfortuately it's all emanating from the SW which would miss me. The rain on the other hand will not. And just like that--had a nice strike nearby.
  22. Lots of thunder just to the w/sw. Snail's-pace progress.
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