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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. Yeah. We're bringing our daughter back to school in Marion today. They were just listed as one of the 'critical' towns.
  2. Thanks. it sounds like the snowfall differences between Troy and Bangor aren't too different from each other.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. Yes--it was Troy, NY. What's the deal with the blue 60-70 swatch through Bangor? Penobscot River Valley effect? Screw that--I'll find a meth cabin in the pink area north of there.
  4. So---if one were to have an option of being in the Troy area or the Bangor area, where'd one want to be for the best snow? Obviously BGR wins the cold department, but I don't think they get any more snow than ORH. #askingforafriend
  5. I remember when I was a kid, the NL Day would have like a 1-sentence summary of the weather on the top of the front page. That night (the Day was an evening paper back then) was "batten the hatches--Belle to strike tonight". That headline was more memorable to me than the storm. lol LOL--what happened?
  6. Is that the Windham County in NE CT or the Windham County in SE CT?
  7. Finished with 1.6" in Worcester. LOL at the complaints--it's not like they missed out on snow. That would be some serious bidness. Not so much when it comes to rain.
  8. Dont' you mean northern CT? 1.26" here....not sure if we'll get a whole lot beyond that. Looks like a lot of passing showers. We'll see what they amount to.
  9. It's lightened up a bit here in Worcester. Up to 1.10 on the day so far.
  10. Just torrential for the past hour or so in ORH.
  11. .30 in ORH in less than an hour. Dreaming of similar snows in 3-7 months.
  12. My first 'my qpf sucks' post of the season. Flood cancel.
  13. Mitch's old place (esp. Mitch) to Pete to me were pummel]led with cold dry powder from start to finish. A top 5 storm for sure. Things pivoted on Mitch's head for hours. I'll need to check what I wound up with.....26" sounds familiar. I'm not sure how Chris did--whether he started as snow or not. Meanwhile, I got down to 49. I think the first 40's of the season.
  14. I'm not sure if I'll get 40's or not. I had been showing 50 for the last hour, but have now come up to 51. 40's still well within reach, but the 'wrong direction' doesn't boost confidence.
  15. Really? Mesowest shows a 24-hour high of 66.2 for them. Meanwhile, 50* here on my Accurite as well.
  16. ORH's high of 66.2* yesterday was pretty impressive. Sitting at 50.0 at the moment--40's look to be a lock. Hopefully, we can repeat sub-70's again today.
  17. Sorry, Chris. in NYC today/night. Just gorgeous. No humidity, car was reading 78 when we got here this afternoon. If this is an HHH August, can I have some more?
  18. I'm not pretty sure of anything at 3+ weeks out.
  19. Meh. So much for a HHH second half of August. Fire up the September thread.
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