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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. Is that Cobble Hill in Brooklyn? My sister lived there for many years at 341 Clinton (?) Ave. No idea why I can remember that address!
  2. Global warming. The Europeans really buy into that shit.
  3. Agreed. I think the only thing we'll experience up here is Steve posting pictures of some unremarkable swells from Misquamicut.
  4. For the next few days, Dorian should experience some fluctuations in intensity, and in addition to eyewall replacement cyclone, the interaction with the northwestern Bahamas should weaken the hurricane slightly. After 3 days, as Dorian moves northward along or offshore of southeast United States coast, the shear is forecast to increase, resulting in a more distinct gradual weakening.
  5. Just make sure you look at models and not charts.
  6. Happy met fall, Everyone! Managed 51 overnight, cooler than expected.
  7. Nice crib, Alex. Are you hosting the winter gtg?
  8. Does anyone know when Levi updates his Tropical Tidbits discussion? With the track steadily inching eastward, I'm becoming mildly interested.
  9. Nice. A real beauty here in Wormtown. 73/46 (72 at ORH)
  10. We warned almost a month ago to do this. Some just wouldn't listen.
  11. What a hoot if this went from being a likely FL landfall to Newfoundland one instead. Just a minor miss.
  12. I'm planning to overseed this weekend. To be sure I have the steps right.... 1) mow today a low setting (bagging not mulching) 2) seed/starter 3) do I need to rake for overseeding? Can' really see what's taking place with existing grass. 4) water 5) for overseeding, how long do you wait before you mow again? Thanks for confirming/redirecting any of the steps above.
  13. Yeah--pretty ho-hum. Hopefully winter will be something a bit more notable.
  14. Thanks, in talks about jobs in both. We’ll see....might need a pit 3 apartment
  15. Yeah. We're bringing our daughter back to school in Marion today. They were just listed as one of the 'critical' towns.
  16. Thanks. it sounds like the snowfall differences between Troy and Bangor aren't too different from each other.
  17. Thanks for the feedback. Yes--it was Troy, NY. What's the deal with the blue 60-70 swatch through Bangor? Penobscot River Valley effect? Screw that--I'll find a meth cabin in the pink area north of there.
  18. So---if one were to have an option of being in the Troy area or the Bangor area, where'd one want to be for the best snow? Obviously BGR wins the cold department, but I don't think they get any more snow than ORH. #askingforafriend
  19. I remember when I was a kid, the NL Day would have like a 1-sentence summary of the weather on the top of the front page. That night (the Day was an evening paper back then) was "batten the hatches--Belle to strike tonight". That headline was more memorable to me than the storm. lol LOL--what happened?
  20. Is that the Windham County in NE CT or the Windham County in SE CT?
  21. Finished with 1.6" in Worcester. LOL at the complaints--it's not like they missed out on snow. That would be some serious bidness. Not so much when it comes to rain.
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