Here's BOX's current map (timestamp notwithstanding, it looks like they upped it since then). Meanwhile, they have no mention of changes of advisories in the 1:44 update, while they're forecasting a foot for Worcester.
Twilight Zone.
The city never got to getting my leaves, ftl. It will be funny to see the plow hit them. long will we have snow cover? It might be tough for the Grinch to take away all of what we might get now. Could we make it all the way til March? Possible unless the rest of the winter really sucks.
Inasmuch as no one really gives a crap about winter weather advisories, BOX should sound the warning for the public in light of snows that are starting as we type.
Worry about the details later.
How far west does it go with the QPF? It looks pretty obscene along/inside 495 on the regular map.
I might be staying in Boston tomorrow night just to learn that my flights been canceled.
over/under the time that BOX ups most folks to warnings? Before/After the EC?
I see no need to wait since at least in this advisory area they were already forecasting 8-12", though they likely will.