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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. This qpf would require some fantastic ratios to hit the high end on much of the GYX map (at least the Maine portion). Great look for the MA/NH -VT border folks.
  2. Yeah--it's way too progressive to do any more damage than that.
  3. My experience with GYX is they tend to be really conservative on amounts--at least they used to be. They've been saying 4-8" for me since last night.
  4. I expect they'll be going to that with their afternoon package. Actually, they might just go to warning if 18z runs hold as we'll be pretty close to 24-hours out at that point.
  5. GYX has updated their maps. More gusto for all.
  6. Pulled back on what? qpf? That's sad.
  7. Nice bit of enhancement--especially for you and Lava.
  8. For those who care about such things:
  9. I'll take that .65" and some good ratios, please.
  10. Start high. You can always adjust upward if needed.
  11. BOX's most-likely and 90% maps are essentially identical......that doesn't seem to make sense. EDIT: Perhaps they expect the same qpf and the only determining factor is whether they taint. Since they don't expect that, you get the 50% and 90% being the same. That said, I'm still not sure where they're getting the qpf to warrant watches.
  12. Too bad it's such a short-duration event. At least we can all enjoy snow cover.
  13. Love the look of that. Perhaps I can both get and eek out a warning verification (is that 7 or 8 for GYX??).. BOX has a watch for here which I doubt will verify. GYX has no watch as of now yet may verify. The advisory/warning drumbeat of '19-20 continues.
  14. I think for Maine it will all be at night. A blessing and a curse--waking up to a fresh snow is great; not being able to see how hard it's actually snowing, not so much. Regardless, snow is better than no snow.
  15. Yeah--I'm not sure about the high end of those ranges playing out. But I guess if the low ones do, the forecast verifies.
  16. Even though the better dynamics will be best, I'm thinking it's doable.
  17. Nice look from Dave through GC. No map up yet from GYX, though my p/c up there is saying 4-8 (zfp says 'heavy snow accumulation). Both sound nice....we'll see how it plays out.
  18. It's squarely into middle-aged and beginning the back nine.
  19. Pit2 ftw. Throw on another 4 or so this weekend and it will have a decent fresh coating. A sight for sore eyes for those of us in the warm and rainy tropics.
  20. Hints that the prospects for SNE are diminishing Hint #1: Fewer than 1 page of new posts by 9:00a.m. Hint #2: A third of the posts that are made revolve around yelp reviews of motels in northern Maine for sledders.
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