Is this precip arriving earlier than epected? I thought it wasn't until closer to 10:00p.m. I'm picking up my daughter's friend in Shelburne this evening--hopefully before any icing (expect to be there at 7:00p.m, back to ORH by 8:30)
Thanks for the thoughts, Ray. Can you clarify the ice zones? The GT .5 is clear, but I'm not deciphering the other regions of up-to .5, up to .25, and the mainly rain/sleet regions.
Thanks again--good luck with the call.
Given how confined it is, a simple mention of that fact that could a case in a small area should be enough. This will not be a wide-spread area of significant (damaging/disrupting) icing.
The RGEM surface temps would argue for a fair amount of plain rain unless there's a colder layer above it. This is going to go down as 40-page event discussion that will be pedestrian outside of 4 posters in SNE.