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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. I can speak for myself here.......what I say in these threads outside of my (helplessly useless level of) met knowledge and observations should be taken with a sense of joviality. Not criticisms. Sit back, enjoy the weather.
  2. Unless it's a Cape OES thread he's started and the only one posting in it.
  3. Well if you're looking for a trend idea, it has absolutely nada for Wednesday. You're looking at SREF's for Sunday? Do they even go out that far? They're bad two hours out. .
  4. I really hate the talk of Scott's skid marks.
  5. That would be quite a pre-January 20 snow drought.
  6. I hope so. Nice look for Central folks. I need an excuse for a Pit2 trip. If we need to wait on starting threads for you to get snow, we'll wind up with one threat thread a season.
  7. Monthly grade time: December achieves an A-. The early snows were incredible and we salvaged a couple events that had looked like rainers that were converted into veritable winter events. The only thing that kept this from being an A+ was, of course, our inability to retain any of it. At least we begin 2020 with snow and ice on the ground.
  8. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's internal destructive wave interference. Well, that would suck for a bunch of us. On another subject, I just watched Two Popes last night (highly recommend). I couldn't help but think of you whenever they showed Anthony Hopkins.
  9. I'd put 'a couple down here' as a congrats us given what we were anticipating 24 hours ago.
  10. That's a lot of spread leaning to off-shore. I don't think that we'd like to see that translation to the median/mean. EDIT: That might not look good for a good hit, but it may not be bad for the minor back-end flip.
  11. Closer makes it even worse in some respect.
  12. I love a strong gradient winter. As long as I'm on the right side of the gradient.
  13. Just like great-looking patterns can offer a shit outcome, shitty patterns can still offer some results. Case in point, we already have had one pre-Jan 20 even in the books and the potential for another in a few days. Of course, sometimes shit is just shit.
  14. Agree with the skepticism. That said, things are a few days out yet and the recent runs of the EC have been steadily trending (well, I haven't seen 06). So who knows....
  15. No one does as well as Lunenburg*.
  16. Thanks, Ray. Let's hope the EC run of last night doesn't reflect the limitation but merely the start of a trend to that most dramatic outcome. Hope springs eternal, even from MPM.
  17. Quite the move on the EC overnight wrt Sunday. When does the 06 become available? Happy new year, all.
  18. and phasing coastals. Does anyone have a read on the 18z EC for the weekend? I only have the 00/12. TIA.
  19. Or at least straight through January 20.
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