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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. I need to recalibrate my understanding of "interior". It was easy when I lived in GC.
  2. Nice run on the CMC. 8/12 both showing promise.
  3. Without details, in broad strokes I think that more progressive solution would favor some wintry appeal for SNE even with a less than ideal airmass.
  4. Very nice look for CNE and NNE. Looks like a RT2-north winter stretch in store.
  5. Time to move everyone back to the discussion thread for next week.
  6. I think we might see the balance of posts shift to the discussion thread for next week soon.
  7. You might want to reverse the amounts of those two events.
  8. Since it was a whiff the last couple of runs, that sounds like big improvement.
  9. Thanks. Can I have a side of E29 with that?
  10. I'll take 3. Do you have that map available? Thanks!
  11. Very little posting. Everyone’s New Years resolution must be to double down at work.
  12. Just where we want it 4 days out. Seriously though--the way this has evolved each model run, I'd view this with caution. If there were any type of blocking, I'd be more confident. Without it, who knows what the 12z models will do.
  13. Nice look for you and perhaps all they way to the south coast after the flip.
  14. What are folks thoughts on the 8th? Things look pretty disjointed--any reasonable hope there?
  15. Like Luke said earlier (I think Luke said it), that's 2 more inches than I have now, so we take. GFS continues to tick better.
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