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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. 06 GFS back to a good snow event--probably about 12 hours slower than the 00z run. 'll be going to a matinee show in NYC on Sunday so given my druthers, Sat/Sat night end would is what I'm hoping for. Didn't realize it was SBS when we bought the tickets. Oh well--maybe that will make for light traffic.
  2. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  3. So.....all in all an average winter so far.
  4. Outstanding we go from rain-to-rain to snow-to rain. Meh.
  5. Perhaps we can reverse curse if we have a thread of "all the reasons why the Feb.3 system will be no more than a Day-10 fantasy". Every post needs to focus on things going wrong and why needles won't be threaded.
  6. The GEM shows the system then as well. In 2020, the EC/Canadian combo is a powerful signal.
  7. And sometimes it just happens after a night at the bars.
  8. I'm beginning to understand what it's like to live the life of James.
  9. But some have the advantage of living in a better climate which typically leads to be better hand being dealt.
  10. The times have changed when the Euro gets tossed.
  11. A little trigger happy in Worcester. lol With snow in the forecast for Saturday afternoon into Sunday, a parking ban will go into effect in Worcester at 2 p.m. Saturday. According to the National Weather Service, the first flakes will be seen in Worcester about 4 p.m. Saturday, with the city geting from 4-6 inches by the time the storm ends overnight. The Fitchburg area could see 6-8 inches. Parking in municipal garages is free during the ban.
  12. On the glass half-full side, mud-season will be below average as well.
  13. Hi. My name is Mike. I've been a weenie for 53 years. Lately, it's taken up all my free time. With this latest possibility shitting the bed, I just can't take it any more. I'm hoping this thread will help me get my head straight.
  14. They are---at least up by Pit2. BOX is going hard at the mix scenrio near/south of the Pike, leaning snow Sat. night, leaning rain on Sunday. OT, Tropical Tidbits is struggling recently.
  15. He'd be posting pictures of his fresh 3-4" while everyone else was having a sunny day. And then he'd post his foliage pics in August.
  16. And no taxes, affordability, and wam climate in FL keeps many moving out.
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