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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. Pouring. .15" in 15 minutes. And just like that, it's done.
  2. Narrow band of pretty heavy rain passing through....should be short-lived. Gives the sprinkler a break.
  3. Just one of the appeals of Pit2.
  4. No--not flippers. We got this one, and never had a huge attraction to it. We won't be back in the sticks of western Mass but certainly less urban than Worcester. I'm leaning Princeton. My wife and daughter are thinking Southborough. We'll see. Regardless, my plan is to get up to Pit2 as my permanent place ASAP. Probably not until my daughter goes to college (two more years).
  5. Stole this from the lawn thread. The folks across the street's lawn is crispy. Sprinkler for the win. We're putting the house on the market in a week or so--need to keep it looking decent. (yup, moving again).
  6. LOL--this morning I realized I don't recall a single post this year of gypsy moths. Probably due to the deadly drought that's only allowing the Quabbin and Wachusetts resevoirs to hover over 90% capacity (99.4% for the Quabbin on June, 94% for the Wachusett).
  7. Nothing some watering can't take care of.
  8. Topped out at 81 here, back into clouds and down to 78*. It doesn't suck.
  9. ORH checking in at 75 now. 1.5 miles away it's 80*. At least on my Accurite.
  10. Heat cancel so far today. 72* /62
  11. Nice. Only got town to 67* here, but I was fine with the ceiling fan going. I was up at Pit2 yesterday doing yardword. Man what a furnace. I wish I was doing that today--nice stretch of upper 70's - 80* coming up there. COC
  12. How many on this board are asking "what are The Commodores?"
  13. Got up to 86 today. Down to 74/62 now. Looks like a fan night.
  14. I don’t think there’s been an inkling if a cloud today.
  15. A bit of a temp bust. P/c of 85, currently at 79. Perfect clear sky. Fantastic day.
  16. Another morning in the 40's. We take.
  17. I just came across this picture from the Shelburne Pit....not sure what year. But it's a shitload of snow. Pictures like this will make the mild-up be more than bearable. Especially since it coincides with the lowering of the sun angle.
  18. Hey Paul--you can watch Twister on Netflix. That's the way to get severe in NE. What a great day. Not sure what we topped out at, down to 73 now..
  19. I'm pretty sure we've had more than 10 top days. Looks like a mild-up coming later on but nothing too dramatic or long-lasting.
  20. Tell me about it. I considered a shawl when I was going out to mow. Thought better of it.
  21. A broken clock's right twice a day. It's still broken.
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