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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. I wore shorts/fleece when I took the dog for a walk late-morning while it was still in the 50's so I knew the day would be nice. I took out the deck furniture later in the day. By the time I grabbed a book to relax out there, some clouds/coolness had set it which must have tainted my memory. Bring on today.
  2. An added 5* would have put it in the running. :
  3. First COC of the season today. Soak it in before the return to BN.
  4. 1.05" at ORH since yesterday. Bleh.
  5. Having worked from home most of my professional life (including the new job I just started--yay, me!), my life has not changed at all. M--F are the same and weekends are still what I crave and find at EOD on Fridays. I take that back....having my wife working from home and daughter home from school makes things different. But aside from that, life is life!
  6. I"m pretty sure we had snow coming down at 5:00--or at least a mix. 37* and rain now.
  7. Wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts. lol I'm shocked--shocked that our day 4, end of April storm has slipped away.
  8. Save that. You'll want to remind yourself of what it showed when it becomes rain for everyone south of VT/NT. You can't even score a snow day.
  9. I can't go against climatology.....with the exception of Dave and Yukon, I'd toss the snow idea for MA. Then again, snow can't accumulate in October.
  10. This was always an opportunity for CNE/NNE. For us here in SNE, just a pipedream. No reason for going to pipe-dreams or crack-pipes until November.
  11. An event of any magnitude in May would force to move this winter from an utter failure to a solid C- with the fantastic early DEC and May bookend. Since there's no way in hell that actually happens, the F remains.
  12. That's what she said. We wound up with the same here.
  13. I'd love for the upper end of this to play out. Saturday Snow with rain likely in the morning, then a chance of rain in the afternoon. Patchy fog. Total snow accumulation of 4 to 8 inches. Highs in the lower 40s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph with gusts up to 20 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.
  14. Looks a little generous in light of the southern shifts.
  15. Won't the thunder wake you? I'm thinking 3-4" here in ORH. While time's running short on the southern ticks, there's been nothing indicating they're going to stop/reverse. Oh well. There's always next year.
  16. The last minute ticks will thrill southern folks and make the rest of us wimper.
  17. I think this is the first warning of the season for here.
  18. Making a bee-line for a GON jack.
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