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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. I don’t think there’s been an inkling if a cloud today.
  2. A bit of a temp bust. P/c of 85, currently at 79. Perfect clear sky. Fantastic day.
  3. Another morning in the 40's. We take.
  4. I just came across this picture from the Shelburne Pit....not sure what year. But it's a shitload of snow. Pictures like this will make the mild-up be more than bearable. Especially since it coincides with the lowering of the sun angle.
  5. Hey Paul--you can watch Twister on Netflix. That's the way to get severe in NE. What a great day. Not sure what we topped out at, down to 73 now..
  6. I'm pretty sure we've had more than 10 top days. Looks like a mild-up coming later on but nothing too dramatic or long-lasting.
  7. Tell me about it. I considered a shawl when I was going out to mow. Thought better of it.
  8. A broken clock's right twice a day. It's still broken.
  9. Like Hogan's Heros. "Goldilocks, this is Poppa Bear". "yes, Poppa Bear this is Goldielucks" Boring is the name of the game for summer weather. Tracking dewpoints is like watching paint dry. Thankfully we start losing sun angle in a week.
  10. 78/50. Summer the way it ought to be.
  11. The drought conditions are horrifying. Challenges the Dust Bowl.
  12. Only in Kevin's wet dreams. Because they like to see Wiz's posts with lots of exclamation points.
  13. Thank God you're back. People were worried you hadn't been posting.. Many had been speculated that perhaps you were arrested and killed in prison. You should change your name to Jeffrey Epstein. Speaking of which---the Netflix documentary on him is pretty good.
  14. Yup. Really bizarre. I heard it crash down and caught a glimpse of it in my side-view. I initially thought I had driven over a big branch but then saw the big tree lying across the road. I could not have been more than 3 seconds ahead of it at 25mph. My daughter was washing we had been hit and that I had been driving my car instead of my wife's. Alas, no Tesla today.
  15. Imagine the photographic record that would be available today if the tornado hit today? Coincidentally, I missed having a mature, fully leafed tree land on my car by no more than 3 seconds. Pretty crazy.
  16. This. No sign of the sun yet today.
  17. It's the massive emergency bird evacuation as "it could happen tomorrow" is happening today. So says Greta.
  18. Nice and sunny here now. Lawn's coming out okay. What'd you get?
  19. I'll take it on June 7th as well. Great day to mow with a shawl.
  20. Sky lightening to the west. .28*, 68*.
  21. Found it. Looks like ORH had a 43mph gust. Pretty much done now. Temp dropped to 69* so far. https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base_dyn.cgi?stn=KORH&unit=0&timetype=LOCAL
  22. Thanks--There was another one.....maybe university of Utah, but I don't recall the link.
  23. What's the website that shows readings like every 5 minutes?
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