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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. My Accurite is currently reporting -20. I better bundle up.
  2. You can do that in the 15 mile drive from Northampton to Pete's--in July no less.
  3. Only if it's snow that's falling between 10:00pm and 5:00a.m.
  4. Looks like we got about 1.6". There's one report in town of 2.3"--I think that's a misread since everything around it is about 1.6".
  5. something we've seen many times--in both direcitons.
  6. have had a couple brief downpours--notihing longer than a minute or so.
  7. I had a zoom call yesterday with a woman in Fort Kent. She was telling me how she had gone for a walk in the snow. I was basking in Westborough warmth. I told my wife I should apply for the job that's available up there. She wasn't especially supportive of the idea.
  8. LOL. The kraken's been released. Ramp up the 'rona news.
  9. Big bust on temps here. I think I only got to 21*. Either it was a big miss on forecast or my thermometer sucks or trees are preventing me from radiating. Or some combination of the three.
  10. LOL--I was thinking the same thing when Scott said he was getting wind. Yawn.
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