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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. Nice--we're not as good as that, but we've picked up enough since I've been up that I'm eager to get dressed for some accurate measurements. Between October and even the disappointing event a couple weekends ago, the 20-21 season is off to a great start. Granted it's been downright balmy outside the snow.
  2. I'm in the dark green below it east of ORH. I'm happy.
  3. Wow--we're 18* here in Westborough. I'm 20 years your junior and I'm not looking forward to shoveling in the least. My next door neighbor has a plow. I wonder.......
  4. It's dumping great flakes here......if I can report that in the poor lighting I'm working with, it's gotta be something really good attm.
  5. figuring I'll wind up similar. Congrats.
  6. Caved and went out for a quick measurement. Calling it 10" so far.
  7. Fortunately, I missed the screw zone here. I knew it would be nearby but likely to my west. That played out well.
  8. snowing pretty good here in Westborough I have our lighting so that's about as good as I can report at night. I'm guessing about 8" down just by eye-balling but that's a really loose estimation. And a very conservative one. Perhaps others in the area have a more accurate read than someone who's not going out in his slippers.
  9. Just started here in Westborough. Off to bed to catch some z's....be back dark and early.
  10. So.....let's take bets: When will see the grass again?
  11. My later in life child (not as late as you were, Jerry) turned 16 today. How the years fly.
  12. I hope your first (grand)child is a masculine child.
  13. Bouncing between seasons here.......watching radar and posting here while looking for a boat. lol
  14. Simply referring to the map. 12-18 forecast with a 9-spot showing is meh. We all know this.
  15. You’ll miss 2 hours of the fun based on that wake up time. :)
  16. Yeah. Just finagled a peek. I might need to get up at 3:00 instead of my regular 4:15.
  17. I think every ramp up for you coincides with shifts away from the goods here. Working in my phone though so not sure what you’re seeing. In any case congrats in advance on this one!
  18. Every time you post enthusiastically, my expectations for here diminish. Lol
  19. Man, the Pope’s really working his all to keep that precip from pushing to the NE. faith is a powerful thing.
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