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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. Nice--that'll cause some windshield issues.
  2. Got here at 8:30–took a handful of casts before work. Managed a small striper—a good kickoff to the day.
  3. WRKO just referred to today as a chamber of commerce day.
  4. I can’t let these days slip by down here. Heading up to Pit2 at the crack of dawn. Fish, work, fish, sleep, repeat.
  5. Fantastic couple of COC days on tap. Enjoy!
  6. 1.56" in Westborough per nearby report. .90 of it since midnight. Some good rumblers.
  7. make sure you huddle around the installed AC for added measure.
  8. What a perfect day at Pit2. Not a cloud to be seen all day with temps in the low 70's. Grabbed two stripers to boot.
  9. First of the season at Pit2.
  10. Dawn was bright and sunny here at Pit2. Time to try out the new fishing pole.
  11. I'm sure if he can find a catepillar or two, an excited post of massive defoliage will appear. In other news, meh on the rain here.
  12. Hoping we can get something here. I guess everyone's hoping that for their hoods though.
  13. I have no idea what you just said.
  14. In my final attempt, I had a couple followers. Not sure if they were stripers as one was only about 18", the other was about 24, maybe a little more
  15. Was casting for stripers several times this weekend and came up empty. I don't think they're arrived in the Kennebec yet. Others have started arriving so the stripers shouldn't be far behind. It's pretty bountiful when they're running. Hopefully by next weekend.
  16. Comparing progged highs this week for Pit1 and Pit 2. With an average daily of 10* cooler, I'll take Pit2 every day, Alex. Pit 1 Pit 2 Saturday 90 81 Sunday 94 80 Monday 95 83 Tuesday 92 83 Wednesday 89 80 Thursday 80 71
  17. Heading up to Pit2 this morning.....looks like some COC is in store with a progged high of 75 for today, 76 for tomorrow and 83 on Sunday. Enjoy the AC in SNE.
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