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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. You can take my hose when you pry it from my cold dead hand.
  2. We had had some work done at Pit2 last summer in which they laid down some sod. Is there any reason I should not put down any fertilizer on that? Any other recommendations for its first spring?
  3. Nada here. I just said to my wife "so much for the big wind". Did I speak too soon?
  4. 70's here at Pit1, never got out of the 40's at Pit2. Spring is such a horrible season there.
  5. shorts a definite today once the murk clears out. won't be suprised to see a sharp green-up today.
  6. This would be worthy of a Pit2 trip if that were to hold. I have a feeling it won't stay that way.
  7. Not Overloaded with hyperbole—just syllables.
  8. It's wide everywhere below Merrymeeting Bay save the double-back at Doubling Point. It's 1.5 miles across from mi casa to Day's Ferry. I'm on a 'cliff' 10' above the mean high tide. We worry not.
  9. Lol......spiking that ball a little to soon!!
  10. This year notwithstanding, Put2 does just fine. Getting to the point in life when I see retirement in the nit-so-distant horizon. Then I sell Pit1 and settle in here full time. The Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.
  11. There was no reason to leave Mass this winter. I can’t wait to be here full time. Best of summer and winter. Spring sucks in the Midcoast though. (Not today, though!).
  12. We had come close twice to buying a place up there (one in Jackson, one in Bartlett). In retrospect, really happy to have scored Pit2. Summer's the real reason for being here, but we do okay with the winter. Sometimes we flirt with a coastal front but still manage to get similar to ORH with snows. Started at 24* here, up to 45 now.
  13. Still have ice Coming down the river.
  14. First time up to Pit2 since September--only once this winter was I tempted to road trip it for a storm. Of course this winter, within 36 hours of it, it became apparent that I'd be better off is Westborough.
  15. Looks like we can suspend the nonsensical drought posts for a little while in any case. 1-1.5 inches coming in for most in SNE.
  16. The latest and greatest (note that their range map is still their a.m. version).
  17. Wake me when it's piling up at 15:1. Keep in mind we're starting at 0:1.
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