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Everything posted by moneypitmike

  1. Eversource packing up and heading to RI.
  2. This is a nuffin'-burger for here. No wind. No rain. Next.
  3. What's your take on Fire Island, Steve? My brother's weighing stay/go.
  4. Anyone who references the gulf stream gets a James recognition. What do people think of surge on Fire Island? Would you be concerned if you were there?
  5. Are you channeling James? Well, at least the lights would stay on so we can see how much rain Kevin gets.
  6. Messenger says the eastward leak will continue.
  7. Don't tell Charlie Parker that. LOL.....you should see us in winter.
  8. Does hitting Block Island constitute land?
  9. I hope the fine is paid to the household and not the state. Great--the power grid is saved!! I think we all do, Scott--that's why we're always joking about it. Did you break out the old phone for that?
  10. So what’s the over/under on CT outages?
  11. As you talk about tugs and topless on your beach, I think Bob Kraft is packing his cooler.
  12. Give me UUU----having spent too much time following this, I hopeI can at least score some good rains .
  13. I'm bracing for my 18kt winds.
  14. Thanks, Ray. I'll enjoy my "dodging the bullet" zone.
  15. So.....is it time for any new Englanders north of CT and RI to just get on with their work day?
  16. I'd say that for the power infrasturre (1/3 of CT loses power everytime Kevin farts). For most of us, I think we're done. A little breeze, a little rain. We meh.
  17. As long as they're wearing masks.......
  18. Roger Williams? What an awesome spot.
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