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Everything posted by DFRI

  1. Block Island pretty much got all rain {so far} out of this event.
  2. Hoping for big NW shift and bring that 8" into New Hampshire and Vermont
  3. Newport RI webcam Webcam | Viking Marina (vikingmarinari.com)
  4. I was only going by this webcam. Although it is about 30 minutes delayed. springhousewebcams.com/webcam2/index.html
  5. So much for 3"-6" (in the higher end areas), or am I missing something. Backside of the snow exiting western CT
  6. Yep, snowing pretty good at Wachusett. https://www.wachusett.com/The-Mountain/Media-Center/Web-Cams.aspx
  7. Can I ask anyone their thoughts for snow amounts for central Kent County in Rhode Island. I plow driveways and I'm out of town.
  8. What are the chances that PVD gets any accumulating snow from this?
  9. Glad there's no ice in RI. Can't imagine anyone would wish for that sh..it
  10. Some seem to use emotion as their forecasting method.
  11. Days and days.......we snow.......well maybe not.
  12. BOX took the amounts down a little bit.
  13. Winter of 2015 didn't really start until January 24th. Then we got hit pretty hard for 6 weeks. A storm about every 4 days. Not sure if that could happen this year though....
  14. Is central RI still in it at all (Kent County)??? Is 2" possible?
  15. Does that mean more sleet and rain makes it's way into Rhode Island??
  16. Providence did too. Bunch of idiots.
  17. Very different thoughts from different mets.
  18. The "10% chance of higher" is lower than the "expected" (for RI)
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