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Everything posted by JoshM

  1. If we had a theme for storm tracking this season, it would be this
  2. Try deleting an entire thread, I thought i was going to be stoned to death
  3. Well, after the crap we've been going thru, an Apps Rubber would be a safe bet.
  4. Gentlemen... It has been privilege playing with you tonight.
  5. Run still isn't over... back end of snow hasn't even came thru our area. Still snowing at hour 34
  6. 6z NAM is gonna be a weenie run. Even if you cut these in half taking ratio into account. Solid WSW criteria.
  7. The HRRR is still a blow torch for everyone, but past a few hours it looks nothing like any other model. Buyer beware.
  8. With that snowfall minimum towards the foothills and the increase into the Piedmont of NC, is there some kind of lee trough or enhancement going on there?
  9. Ya... the clown map had you between the 8 and 10 inches, so cutting that in half would be good for you.
  10. Even if you cut these totals in half, since it's a 10:1, it's WWA criteria.
  11. I think we're in good shape atm, but that 540 line is scaring me.
  12. 6z NAM not as robust as yesterday, but heck of a lot better than 0z!
  13. Euro looks kinda Canadian'ish, Higher amounts towards the east.
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