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Everything posted by JoshM

  1. The way the weather has been this year, nothing would surprise me!
  2. Ready for the cool weather, hope we can get a frost in around the Piedmont before Halloween. I like Halloween better when it's cool.
  3. These storms usually have some surprise at the 11th hour. Hurricane Floyd always pops into my head for my area. Thought it was gonna be a Hugo redux and we got nothing (even had blue skies that day). School was closed that day.
  4. High res nam has some gusts to 90 in asheville and 70 in gastonia. even some sustained TS force winds west of charlotte
  5. 0z NAM decent jog east with some bands
  6. I don't think we'd even score in a nuclear winter.
  7. I've ran out of stupid/sarcastic comments and gifs, and for that reason...
  8. Ya, back in my day, before the interstate the storms didn’t know where to go
  9. It's been many moons since I've seen a storm stick around from fantasy land this long.
  10. Hey, I'm like a dog. I go for the fake throw every time!
  11. Is it even possible to get that much ZR with a transient high?
  12. Ill give the GFS credit, it won't let go of this fantasy storm.
  13. We should rename this forum the Carolina Panthers forum. We start with high hopes, get shit on right away, never score, and punt a lot.
  14. 18z GFS says "It'll make it's own cold air" . You won't fool me on that one again
  15. 33 and rain, it's a southeast tradition!
  16. 6z brings in a lot of rain next week. Temps stay in the mid 30s
  17. Canadian is about as close as you can get without it snowing west of Charlotte.
  18. 0z GFS came north a lot, but it's too warm. 540s up in Pennsylvania.
  19. 0z Models came in suppressed, which is exactly where we want them to be
  20. Man, I'm gonna have to light a cigarette after that run!
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