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Everything posted by LP08

  1. I’m sure there was a nice shelf if the view was better
  2. 100 on the home station here in Arlington
  3. Yes about asynchronous learning. My wife is an AP at an elementary school and basically it’s 2 days in school then a packet sent home without instruction. I’d imagine they will go to full online learning to start the year given other districts moving there.
  4. Up to over 4” here since midnight
  5. Over 3” since midnight. Absolutely pouring.
  6. First time I’ve put pumpkins (or a garden for that matter). They’ll probably be ripe by August hah.
  7. 12z euro basically has nothing for next week. Keeps all the rain in NC
  8. All you would need is one of his famous snow maps
  9. Maybe the corridor can get a light show as this rolls by to the west.
  10. My home station says my dew point is 76°. I think it’s high but it’s gross out.
  11. I remember the brood 9 when I lived in Fredericksburg in high school. The badminton racquets came in handy.
  12. This year...at least in VA https://vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2020/05/CALS-periodical_cicada_2020.html
  13. Definitely my first storm “damage” at my house since I moved 4 years ago. That’s an 8” maple branch. I’m just happy me and the kids were not out playing!
  14. 33 here in Arlington. Not sure if we tickled freezing earlier.
  15. These New Belgium rotating IPAs I’ve been going through are pretty nice. The Space ranger is also good.
  16. Just had a super close strike that made the power shut off.
  17. Just hit 1” here in Arlington. Been steady with a few heavier burts.
  18. Only 0.3” ish here. Currently drizzle and chilly. Need some sunny, not windy, 70s soon!
  19. LP08

    COVID-19 Talk

    Man, so sorry to hear this. Your family is in my thoughts. Stay strong, friend.
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