I agree with almost everything in your post. The rural areas should be doing more in person instruction. The numbers do not justify having kids be virtual everyday (I have a Kinder in Arlington and man that is not school but its at least something). I do believe (and my wife is an admin in FFx county so I have seen some of the behind the scenes stuff) that schools are set up to fail no matter what they do. One direction unfortunately can't fit all. The country has asked for public schools to change the entire curriculum in 3 months.
To the bolded above, why are teachers the only profession being forced back? No other occupation is demanding someone to go back to work and the certainly don't get paid to be essential. There is increased risk as well to the nature of in person school with 15 ppl in one room for up to 7 hours a day. Most of that is against all CDC guidelines.
One of my biggest issues is that schools have to set up "isolation rooms". If a kid has any of the symptoms of Covid, they get sent into an isolation room inside the school until their parents can come get them and someone from the school has to be in there with them. They have not been given N95s or any other kind of PPE to protect them and have to supply their own. They are not doctors and shouldn't have to be exposed like that but that is just my 0.02.
There needs to be a bigger effort from above the school level for this to work and unfortunately the current administration all the way down to the local school boards has failed and that is why we are where we are. Look at other countries where they have sent kids back. PPE, thermometers (Her school had to buy thermometers for every room in the school with their own money), and testing is in place to support schools.
Rant over and possibly this will be deleted but wanted to have a convo about it! Lets hope it snows soon.