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Everything posted by LP08

  1. Well in the fwiw section of the night....the ICON made an interesting jump for the weekend.
  2. 0” through 180hrs then almost 4” for the remainder of the run...lol
  3. This is going to be the best run of the EPS yet. PAC looks great and the Davis straight block from 200 hrs and on.
  4. EPS for the lead up to the next Saturday dealy....
  5. For sure. It’s good to see it on OP runs getting established. I know as well as you do that when we get rained on with that look up top people might be getting a little restless. I am very encourage from about Jan 10 and beyond.
  6. Euro really wants to set up the Davis straight block prior to day ten.
  7. Your points are for sure valid for the next 10 days and I tend to agree with you. I think what everyone here and on Twitter is saying is the 12-15 day and beyond (I know dubious but all guidance has it). +5 temps in eastern Canada is still plenty cold for our source area for a good storm track. The December storm had the H5 go north of us and never close off until it was well past us and it still was a good storm for many. I think what everyone is trying to say is that we don’t need below normal anomalies in Canada in mid Jan for it to snow here.
  8. PARA GFS as a 992 low off of VA Beach. Gets snow into the area. Edit to add: Its all the southern wave as H5 tracks through VA.
  9. Better ridging out west slowed the Southern SW down some. It was pretty close to climbing the coast. Precip gets to about Richmond.
  10. GFS getting a little frisky for the 3rd/4th. Closed H5 over northern AL.
  11. I agree that’s it’s struggling and my post was mostly for posterity if that coastal does come out of nowhere. It was wild to see an OP spit out an almost snow event and have absolutely zero hits in the ensembles.
  12. Eps wants nothing to do with the Jan 3rd coastal that the OP showed.
  13. They need to start the Green Bay game early.
  14. It’s getting painful to watch (for this Steelers fan at least). They were not this bad early in the year but Ben is completely toast.
  15. You lost the “respect” when you dropped the “.” In your name. Whatcha drinking?
  16. Merry Christmas to all...but especially the HRRRRRRR
  17. I think everyone is anxious because it’s been so long seeing red in the right places. I think the reason we are not getting fantasy hits is the block being too Far East with the crap pac. Every piece of ensemble guidance gets some sort of PNA help out west around day 10 with a retro west of the NAO ridge. Like PSU said, we don’t need anomalous cold, especially in early January. I think there will be some sort of good storm in the first 10 days of Jan.
  18. I’m confident in January producing something. This look is pretty damn nice all things considered.
  19. This kind of sums it up....no idea which one could be the 1.
  20. I know its not perfect, but there will be a lot of tracking into Jan.
  21. Gfs is much more progressive with the Xmas cold front so far than the other globals. Hope it’s right.
  22. Lol yikes. Trust me I’m not. I thought it was funny since it was basically identical.
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