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Everything posted by LP08

  1. 12z UKIE has the SLP in extreme southern Illinois/western Ky at 120. GFS is in central IN. 144 has it off the coast pretty far. Won't know any details until the better maps are available.
  2. Look at hour 99 on the GFS and 111 on the 0z Euro. Its night and day over New England, suppressing the flow over the east. Euro has much stronger confluence, hence the primary being further south.
  3. Para looks similar to the OG. Primary in IN. Thump, Dryslot.
  4. Looks like the transfer happens at 141-144. Thump, dryslot, coastal misses north.
  5. Primary moves due west through 135 to almost Pittsburgh.
  6. Through 126, GFS has the primary in central IN. Way further north than almost all other guidance.
  7. Always nice to the see the 850 0c line through Raleigh as the storm approaches. 114hr GFS has snow breaking out.
  8. Lol...It snows from 126 to the end of the run. Might be a record duration. Wild.
  9. Its a sloppy-ish phase (kind of what Ralph was alluding to) and the Surface doesn't get captured until its just north of us but still throws more snow at us 150hr+. Ok enough ICON talk
  10. Hear is 0z at the same time. Quicker transfer is what I picked up on.
  11. So if I'm reading it right, further north coastals we get the WAA on Sunday (GFS, CMC, PARA) and the coastal hits we miss some of the WAA thump Sunday…..I'm sure there is a scenario where we somehow manage to miss both...that's my guess
  12. Sleet and 33/30 in N. Arlington...smells like snow at least.
  13. 3k looks like it has the heaviest stripe a little south of 12z.
  14. Bob Chill rule of 5. Need 5 good chances to get 1!
  15. No kidding. This feels awfully similar to Thursday progression. What can go wrong!
  16. Just read the article. We would need YouTube TV to add it to the channel line up to access it because you will need to "authenticate with a cable provider".
  17. MSLP favors a transfer to OBX....then this panel.
  18. EPS is significantly colder than 0z and further south with the primary. Matches the OP pretty well.
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