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Everything posted by LP08

  1. TPV over eastern Canada was further south and west and was tilting the trof more positively. That allows the southern vort to stretch.
  2. Minus the fact they were up 35 at one point.
  3. Good god that wizards loss.
  4. Through 27 on the NAM. NS Sw maybe a hair east of 18z. No real changes elsewhere.
  5. Easy. H5 closes off, tucks off the delmarva. We all win.
  6. These...seem odd to me that the max strip is is SE from NC to up the Coast.
  7. Only minor but the NS SW is diving in a little further east than 6z.
  8. Has the NS fluff but coastal is a tick or so east of 6z.
  9. Better than 6z but you can tell kinda early at least in my eyes. At HR 60 on the 0z euro, our NS SW is in Wyoming while the majority of guidance is in Idaho. Not a huge difference but to me it looks like this way it avoids burying itself in the SW. I could be totally wrong but toggling the runs this morning that stuck out to me the most.
  10. Euro is much further east with the NS SW that dives in through montana than every other piece of guidance. That's only at HR 36 or so. Probably helps prevent it from leaving to much behind in the South West.
  11. The first 15 days of March are winter. We go through this every year and with examples of how it has worked but still it comes up. It’s just hard to snow here any month.
  12. I want to believe the euro, but where have we seen an over amped solution at day 4 before? Oh right, last week.
  13. It’s that time where we cling to any model that doesn’t look terrible. That NS feature above the Dakotas is further west than the euro and the southern vort isn’t as stretched out.
  14. First model that I have seen close off at 500 south of us. Could be wrong about that though.
  15. I'm thinking there will be quite a few good ones in the individuals...
  16. It tucks just off NYC. H5 must have closed off south of us and offshore.
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