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Everything posted by WestTennWX

  1. Overlapping Tornado Emergencies issued.....has this ever happened before?
  2. Circulation right on the heels of the Bassfield cell.
  3. Is it available via placefile...etc on GRLevel3, or GR2 analyst only?
  4. Some great links in there...I have been trying to learn more concerning model guidance and how to interpret it. So glad there is a TN valley forum now, I hope to contribute to it in any way I can! Here are a couple of links to Beau's website and social media- he is a bit north of the TN valley but still includes West Tn and Western Ky in his discussions, he offers some interesting analysis and has quite a large following over there. http://www.weatherobservatory.com/ https://www.facebook.com/beaudodsonweather
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