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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. I understand the job market in the meteorology field isn't that great but is this really a reason for people to completely give up and not even make attempts or an effort to at least try to get a job in the field? Sure it may take a while but I know I would never, ever give up. I will definitely have a backup plan and stick with that but I will never just completely give up and throw in the towel just b/c the job market isn't that great. There are always job openings in this field somewhere, granted there may not be a ton of them but you just have to fight for it and do your best. If you're still in school, make sure you're getting excellent grades and find ways to get your name out there.
  2. I am so pissed dude...I just can't explain it.

  3. Wow...this is the deadliest single tornado since the Worcester tornado of '53 which had a deal toll of 90. Just sad.
  4. Hi Rich, I love you :) :) :)

  5. You should have bought it for me :D

  6. Hi Josh!!!!!! :hug: I'm am doing well, excited for the new home! How's things going with you these days?

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