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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. My last semester I took a tropical meteorology class and the professor who taught it had his doctorate focused on tropical (and did a substantial amount of research with AEW's and the AEJ)...anyways it was an incredibly interesting class and we talked about so much which influences tropical...one of the more interesting things we discussed was actually tropical wave activity in and around the Indian Ocean as well as SST's across the Indian Ocean. Then there was the TUTT and it's influences in the Atlantic.
  2. It's also a weak Nino (and actually using 3.4 criteria we have officially met the criteria) and I'm sure there are other factors which can certainly outweigh this. Anyways with climate change and all I don't think the whole ENSO correlation to tropical activity has as much merit as it used to have. I may be wrong since I'm going off memory, but haven't the past few Nino's actually had above-average activity in the Atlantic? With the AMO looking like it is transitioning towards the negative phase I wonder if this starts to take dominance. I haven't looked at the AMM but will have to see how that transitions moving through the spring.
  3. The "t" in CT isn't capitalized in your location and you have no comma after Moosup
  4. oof at this sounding from central AR tomorrow afternoon
  5. Anyone who follows aviation...during the historic outbreak days in April of 2011 were there significant aviation impacts as a result? (Like delays, cancellations, re-routing, etc).
  6. Hey Kevin. i haven’t had a hair cut since August and it was getting out of control. Used to kinda gel it, but then it started to just add extra time in the mornings. So I stopped using gel and just let it go wild...part of the reason was I was trying to think of a style. I finally got it cut this morning and just told them what I used to get...leave enough to spike up the front. The barber though styled it pretty sick. Do you think this is a cute look with the hair splashed to the side?
  7. Yesterday was great. Always awesome when you don’t have to run out of the hot tub
  8. PANC's period of record only goes back to 1953? that sucks
  9. It is for the people who probably wake up at 2-3 PM
  10. I want to design something to use for storm chasing to protect against hail. I don't care about the body getting dented, but obviously a shattered or broken windshield is problematic (though I do have full windshield coverage in my insurance). I could always get a big enough pop-up tent and then set it up around the car, but it would have to be tied to the ground pretty damn good so it doesn't blow over and away.
  11. Their bullpen will be fried come August. Great lineup and bullpen but SP...ehhhh
  12. That is my goal. I have my alarm set for 4:15 AM but I don't usually hop out until 4:37 - 4:41 AM. I do have this windshield cover actually that my aunt bought me for Christmas. I used it that one Tuesday storm we had where we were going from snow to ice and it worked well. It's just a pain though b/c then you have to put it on and then take it off.
  13. That's about when I am exiting the shower and getting dressed. I am thinking of getting an automatic starter for next winter. Luckily it was not a thick frost and it scrapped off relatively easy. There is also this spray stuff I want to get which I hear works well at preventing frost.
  14. I am SICK and tired of going outside at 5:00 AM AND HAVING TO SCRAPE FROST OFF THE WINDSHIELDS.
  15. Some parts of Donner Pass and the Sierra Nevada's are probably nearing 700''+...since the start of February. I have to do stuff for Donner Pass and it's been fun. CALTRANS does an incredible job with the clean-up too.
  16. Holy crap...that's an incredible picture...absolutely stunning
  17. I think some people in the class ended up becoming vegetarians I don't usually get grossed out by anything but that was too much...even for me. It was more of how they were treated though. OTOH, I understand that it's life and it's survival of the fittest ordeal. I'm sure if we switched places with animals they would do the same to us.
  18. When I took anthropology my first semester at WestConn we watched this horrifying video on farm raised animals which would unfortunately be killed. It was disgusting about how such animals as turkeys and chickens were raised and how they were fed and force fed to make them become bigger.
  19. I think the last time we had an explosion of spring wildlife that summer was active in terms of severe weather.
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