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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. Let's just do like the first or second Saturday in August. Plenty of advance time for people to make sure they're free that day. Funky Murphy's.
  2. Agreed. It's actually a pretty nice and pleasant casino...and quite clean too. Although we'll see how much longer they sustain...from what I hear they're losing money every month. Not a good sign for those hoping to win big money. Very easy to get to as well and parking is free!!!
  3. I never realized how strikingly similar December of 1985 and December of 1995 were at 500mb
  4. I'm dying right now Swim near a lifeguard. If caught in a rip current, relax and float. Don`t swim against the current. If able, swim in a direction following the shoreline. If unable to escape, face the shore and call or wave for help.
  5. I've become obsessed with non-uniform beam scattering
  6. ORH seems like a perfect spot...not only b/c of the central location but you don't have to deal with the city traffic/parking crap. When I went to Boston I ended up parking in a garage and it cost $42 Funky Murphy's is such a nice place and it's plenty spacious.
  7. I can't believe there is no watch...let alone an MCD for NC/VA
  8. I would love to see some stations in Siberia lol
  9. Wow...the average high at PANC drops 14°F between September and October
  10. We had to take oceanography...covered topics like Ekman pumping salinity of oceans, a bit with ocean currents, lapse rate of the ocean,...it was quite an interesting class. We didn't have hydrology though which would have been pretty sweet.
  11. Wow that is impressive! That is very interesting...never really explored concept of watershed and river flow. Might have to do this
  12. I've heard about that but don't know a whole lot about it.
  13. Just thought of something...with this blizzard in the northern Plains/upper-Midwest I wonder if we're looking at a perhaps all-time (if not pretty dang close) flooding event for the MO/MS Rivers.
  14. On an unrelated note...PWM still has several high temp records dating back to the late 1800's...nice!
  15. It's kind of awesome to see that the record high at PWM on January 1st and 2nd is still in the late 1800's (1876 and 1890 respectively).
  16. It was quite an interesting class. I suggested it should be instituted into the major as a required class. It was offered as an elective and only b/c several students were interested in it. Even certain teleconnections such as the NAO, PDO, QBO, MJO were briefly touched upon. I was fortunate enough (and it's from the bored) to have had knowledge in all this, but for those in the class who didn't they were in awe. It's tough for schools though b/c they have to follow strict AMS regulations in terms of what is required. I'm with you...I wish I had more time as well. I thought when I was back in school I would explode with all the research ideas I had been working on for the years leading up to going back and have the time to do more with learning about the weather, but working two jobs and the course/work load threw all that out the window.
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