I am just not overly impressed with this...although granted it is our "best potential" of the season so far. I'm not even sure we see widespread or even scattered convection...perhaps more isolated.
As stated in the other thread, there are concerns over timing. Even on the slower GFS there are still concerns and those concerns due with the potential for a more westerly component to the llvl and sfc flow...this (along with strong mixing) would not only promote drier air mixing down, but limit convergence. Maybe eastern MA has a better shot...and for more in the way of scattered convection as there may be some stronger moisture convergence.
Another issue is that potential MCS moving through NNE overnight...suppose that verifies...we could see some mean subsidence on the backside of that and this could also result in a more W component.
We'll see what happens but right now not excited...am only interested b/c we've had nothing else