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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. As soon as I shut off my camera and pack up to leave it Lightning’s. Not one flash entire time camera was going
  2. Well time to go home. 91 and Rt 9 will be fun
  3. I’m playing thunder sounds on my phone to sort of spice things up
  4. I guess I’ll have to take what I can get. These clouds do look cool.
  5. It stretches the horizon!!! Gotta get a pano
  6. Ohhh...it’s coming over the mountain!!!! It’s coming over the mountain!!!
  7. Wait I think I see a shelf approaching!!!!!
  8. Well I guess this looks “cool” all this for that. Let’s just end summer. Start again in December.
  9. Cooled off like crazy in North Haven and humidity gone. Almost need a parka. Didn’t even really see a shelf or lightning. What a crock of crap. I’m going to go home and stuck my head in the oven and have people beat me with paddles
  10. Well now we’re at what MOUT earlier...flash flooding #1 threat now with elevated convection.
  11. I can’t believe there was a watch until 10 PM lol
  12. The cold front May be overtaking it. Fook
  13. In North Branford...that’s where the field is with great view. Right behind police station
  14. Wouldn't make it in time...well I might but I would have no time to make adjustments. I'm going to end up going to Wallingford I think...there are some awesome views around the police station...pretty open and there is a park too which is open with good views.
  15. My stomach just had different ideas so we’ll see
  16. Going to hang in Branford...may go north into Wallingford. I think I'll be shocked if we see any TOR's. LCL's are quite high and 1km shear is a tad low...although it may increase a bit over the next few hours but the LCL's being high...we'll see
  17. I wish the dews were widespread in the 70's. I think mesoanalysis isn't working...or at least fully.
  18. ughhh debating on whether to stay in Branford or just go back to WeHa. Part of me is thinking staying here. I'm also wondering if mesoanalysis is accurately reflecting things down this way. It has to be more unstable than it shows
  19. I can’t believe how clear it is now...and how hot. It could rock later along coastal CT. I may Cohen back down this way later on to chase
  20. I was thinking last night of staying in Branford tonight at a hotel since I think there is a better shot down here. But I have to do laundry and won’t be able to any other day this week...except Thursday maybe
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