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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. Thanks! The old me probably would have been going wall to wall talking outbreak lol.
  2. Typical lol. I sort of posted that to rub it into Kevin for rubbing on me about not being enthused for CT in terms of severe. Not sure why so many were impressed about CT...I was shocked the SPC even put a slight risk as far north as they did.
  3. Did this on social media yesterday morning like 6:30 AM. Not too bad I suppose
  4. Ughhh why can’t I ever see stuff like this?
  5. Friend took this on the Danbury/Bethel line
  6. Man I love this tingly feeling. It’s like ASMR but it’s electricity around you. Into the +CGs now...rain stopped. Going to head home. Another batch coming in but flooding concerns and I don’t see well in the dark
  7. Ohh sick!!! I wasn’t sure the video posted. Awesome screen grab!!
  8. Something just got hit. May have been behind me...hell maybe it was me
  9. I felt a huge jolt of electricity and before I could look up there was a bright instant flash right in front of me. I can feel the electricity in my body!!! Ohhh the tingles.
  10. AF4743D1-7AB9-4561-BF5B-D1ECA16CD37F.MP4
  11. In watching this! Seeing if it does anything
  12. Glad I stayed put. Looks like some decent lightning en route. Although worried about flooding driving back.
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