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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. Just b/c I don't blow up social media with sports anymore or post in the sports forum doesn't mean I don't follow what's happening. I've talked with plenty of people from before the season began and it was obvious the Red Sox were going to take a step back this year. 1) Regression to the mean and 2) They didn't do anything in the off-season to replace their key bullpen losses. Anyways the Yankees pitching was (starting pitching) was extremely suspect coming into the season....nothing but a bunch of #2 or #3 starters. The first half of the schedule was a cake walk for them...the real challenge was going to be in the second half. They may have an amazing offense and have guy who can hit the ball 450'+...this is great and all for the regular season but teams don't slug their way through the playoffs. The Yankees get into the playoffs but they won't advance a round...not unless they go out and make a move for a #1 SP and maybe another top-toer guy
  2. lawns are like the Yankees...highly overrated
  3. For any ptython peeps is cartopy needed if you want to make cross-sectional plots? I've tried to do some digging but I guess you can't install cartopy with pip? I guess it can be done with conda or condra or whatever it is but was having some issues.
  4. What a day!! Even got to hear some thunder.
  5. ahhh yes...the $$$ symbol...that was it. I like the drag down method much better
  6. I wonder if they have classes now in middle school or high school regarding Microsoft products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc). At least when I was going through they didn't really offer in-depth teaching (I don't remember if they held elective classes which did so) but that would be great if they did.
  7. oops...didn't post that in here but yeah I knew that at least lol I didn't realize that worked with formulas...this is great. It's amazing how powerful Excel is...there is a ton you can do. I'm going to do some workshops to really dig into the more powerful side of it. I think I could learn it fast. Hell...I'm amazed at how I'm doing with the Python training...I never thought I would understand coding but I'm at a point where I can start attempting creating weather charts/model graphics.
  8. wow thanks...I wish I knew it was that easy I remember the last time doing something similar (like 10 years ago) I was using some weird crap with symbols
  9. ahhh thanks. wow never knew that. Was it always that way?
  10. Is there anyone who is proficient with excel? I'm trying to remember how do do a formula but can't get the correct formatting right. I've just attached an example but in the total column if you want the sum you just do SUM( ) so for the first row it would be SUM(A4:H4) now the formula would be the same for each row with the only difference being the row number...there is something you can do in the code (like a # sign or ?) where you just have one formula and it knows which row to compute
  11. I assume you're talking about just July? anyways, it would be interesting to compare monthly departures dating back to when records began...using a starting point of whatever the newest station is (assuming IJD). When did the site move from HFD to BDL b/c that would be another thing to take into consideration.
  12. This summer has been quite disappointing in that department...which really sucks b/c the overall synoptic pattern the past 6 weeks or so has not been very bad at all...there were just some kinks which hurt our chances. But to the degree of July has been in terms of what occurred that's not a bad call...and there were others harping on the potential too. Had it not been for the cut-off or -NAO in place for as long as it persisted we would have easily torched since late spring. That was the only thing which really stopped us. But yeah...projections moving into August right now (after the first week or few days) look more like a trough here
  13. Kudos to Kevin...I think he said BDL could come in around +4 or +5 this month...and some of the other stations would be big departures...well that's going to turn into a pretty damn good call.
  14. It would be interesting to see that plot...but by month. Again going by memory relocation which is never good...it typically wouldn't be until like very late July or August when we would see dews of that magnitude here but perhaps it's happening earlier now? (Another statement to debunk or verify I guesS).
  15. Is there anyone here that uses python or familiar with it? I downloaded EDM and basically trying to figure out getting the numpy, pandas, and matplotlib packages. From what I'm doing is using command prompt typing in the following line: edm install ipython numpy then it compiled and a whole bunch of stuff happened. I thought all you should do is go into python and type in import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib as plt but when I do I get some error
  16. Thanks! That certainly disproves my thoughts. Actually even looks like some cycles mixed in there. But I can see why I had my thoughts...which of course were not derived from scientific data, but moreso my relocation...the 1990's to about 2000 seemed to be a bit of a "lull" so-to-speak
  17. This is about as close as I can get with the limited options available
  18. Is there a way on that site to break it down into the # of 90 days per year? that would be cool to see
  19. Well technically from NWS definition it's 3-consecutive days of 90+ at any of the climo stations But...to your point, eventually down the road this may have to be adjusted. I am going to wager that BDL probably has the highest peak climo high which is around 85 with the number of average 90F days around 18 I think it is? So using 90 as the minimum I guess makes a ton of sense. Anyways the past 20+ years or so 90's seem to become much more common in the summer...not only more common but persisting for longer stretches...maybe this threshold will have to be bumped up a bit. Anyways I would be curious to know what lead to 90 being the defining term for a heat wave...and for 3-consecutive days. I'm sure it has to do with climo and probably some sort of statistical deviation or something...so maybe this needs to be adjusted based on the recent warming trend
  20. well too be fair Kevin never said anything about this being extreme or crazy...just pointing out we could legit see a heat wave and that is very reasonable to think for some of the climo stations.
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