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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. It's sounding game time!!!!! (Note: The game will take a break on the weekends unless I feel to do so otherwise) Here is a sounding from around the Kansas City area for 0z Friday evening. A very nice loaded gun sounding (extreme CAPE) characterized by MLCAPE > 5,000 J/KG and mlvl lapse rates of 8.5 C/KM! In addition to the extreme instability we also see strong wind shear present with both speed and directional shear noted. This is leading to a large and curved hodograph. I like this sounding b/c it indicatives an extreme thermodynamic environment coupled with very strong wind shear. Synoptically, there will be shortwave energy moving through along with a very well defined (well multiple) surface boundaries. This will be a focal point for extreme convection later today...likely explosive development with activity quickly converging into an MCS. Training t'storms are likely as well. Damaging winds and very large hail likely along with a few tornadoes with discrete cells. Significant flash flooding possible too.
  2. I would have never guessed Greenland from looking at that sounding (ignoring coordinates of course).
  3. Actually Kansas City is quite populous
  4. Going to start a new game. It's called "Sounding Fun for Everyone". You post a super fun sounding and explain what you like about it. There are a few things to note, however, since this is fun, there are instances where certain processes are yielding erroneous data...could be some with CAPE, wind shear, hodograph, funky skew-t, so just as a little head up to not take something like that at face value. I'll start. This is around Kansas City at 6z. I like the INSANE hodograph
  5. Thankfully they can't. They just freak me out. I have really bad arachnophobia (although it's gotten a bit better over the years) but it's pretty bad and I'll get panic attacks. When I was working outside the other day there was a giant spider crawling up the side of the house I was power washing. Later on I was doing something and I sort of felt something fall on me and I look over my left shoulder and there was a spider on my shirt...no clue what kind it was but I freaked out and took my shirt off and ran around. IDK what it is but I'll legit start shaking if either a spider is on me or I think about one crawling on me.
  6. The bathroom is right around the corner from my room. I get all my clothes ready the night before and there is a nightlight in the bathroom. But with it being bright in the bathroom and then walking out it's a sharp adjustment for the eye and I do more after the shower then I do before...put dirty clothes in the hamper, put on cologne, put on shoes, unplug my phone from the charger, grab my jacket and keys, and leave. I also saw a spider in between the shower curtains this morning which freaked me out. Several days ago there was a GIANT daddy long-leg in the shower...GIANT. I kept one eye open the entire shower...not sure where he went but haven't seen him since.
  7. Yeah it sucks. When I get out of the shower I have to turn a light on in my room so I can see. Some pretty dense fog the past few mornings too
  8. Gotcha...I have never really followed tropical much and was using this in conjunction from what I have read...so virtually my being not very knowledgeable (especially with regards to the "climo") makes it difficult to use historical information with what I'm looking at.
  9. where did you get that from...that's pretty cool. Anyways I've predominately been following along with this all summer. Perhaps I'm misinterpreting it http://tropic.ssec.wisc.edu/real-time/sal/g16split/movies/goes16split.html
  10. ahhh. I didn't even think to go there.
  11. I found a 5.9%...lowest I could find. damn
  12. I want to try and find some soundings and see if there are any
  13. This is pretty nice. LFC and LCL pretty far apart though but WOAH
  14. I don't think he was being serious. For some reason that quote reminded me of an episode of the Sopranos when Bobby says some quote and Tony yells at him...it was hilarious
  15. This thread today has been A+ material. I'm going to post more soundings from out west
  16. This sounding is 4.50'' hail analog hahahahahaha
  17. the sun has been trying to peak out here. Wish I lived there
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