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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. Guessing the high heat/dews finally got to the OP
  2. Not sure if you’re on Facebook but there is a group called New England Storm Chasers...some nice pics of it on there!
  3. I just missed a better one where’s it was about 3-4 CG’s at once
  4. Well that was amazing! Time to head home
  5. Sun coming out to the west now heavy rain, CG’s, loud booms wow!!
  6. That wind shift was wild...rain was blowing from my behind to my front and then it all of a sudden went from my front to my behind
  7. Overwhelmed my arm pits. I guess winds are decent...but nothing crazy. No hail
  8. Actually might be body odor...I am sweeting a ton
  9. I smell something burning. I think lightning hit my car or something close
  10. Finally the rain haha. Let’s get some hail!!!
  11. Almost too much to handle...CGs everywhere, shelf clouds, gust front, loud booms, thought there was a brief wall cloud..strikes all around me holy shit
  12. Ahhh lightning hit super close...like super close. Shit
  13. 234698EC-155D-4AEA-B10A-3565B0D653DC.MP4
  14. Shelf!!!! Shelf!!!! It looks like a mothership!!!!
  15. Has anyone been in a car hit by lightning before? What’s it like? How do you know?
  16. Oh God...body is all tingly from the lightning. So much electricity in the air
  17. I always feel nervous in the car in an open field for some reason with lightning
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